Monday, June 27, 2011

Cape Tribulation

I was picked up this morning by Peter, our tour guide. It was definitely the strangest start to any tour I have ever done. We drove about two block where this guy just randomly had a table set up on the sidewalk where we all had to check in and produce our vouchers and some were paying cash! It was weird! Most of the 18 people were on the day tour, but there were 5 of us staying up there all for different lengths of time. On the way up we stopped at the river, at a wildlife sanctuary, did a little daintree rainforest walk and stopped at a great lookout. After that we dropped off the day tour people and then were dropped off at our accommodations. I was staying at Ferntree, which the travel lady said was the nicest of the four to pick from. It was a very beautiful resort with great rooms. The three of us who were dropped off there all decided to go for a walk together and just down the road we ran into the other two who were dropped of at PK’s hostel. Pria from England, Steph from Melbourne and Milisa and Stephan from France. We did a nice walk down the beach to the area were the river meets the ocean and where a crocodile is supposed to live to see if we could spot him! We never did and walked back to the resort and all went out for a couple drinks that night.

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